Monday, February 20, 2012

Wool 2: Proper Gauge (Wool #2) by Hugh Howey

Wool 2: Proper GaugeWool 2: Proper Gauge by Hugh Howey

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A cleaning has been performed, and now the silo is without a sheriff. With only one good candidate available, Mayor Jahns and Deputy Mames set off for the Down Deep to recruit her in person. Along the way, they discover much about each other, troubling news about this candidate, and stumble upon fractured alliances that could spell the doom of a silo they've worked long years to protect.


A wonderful second chapter in this wonderful series of short stories. In this book we focus more on the world inside the silo. We get to know some of the characters that we briefly met in the first book and we learn quite a bit more about what life is like inside the silo.

Very much looking forward to #3.

View all my reviews

***Kindle edition

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