Wednesday, June 27, 2007

#43 -- Search for Senna by K.A. Applegate

From the Publisher
In the dark past, Zeus and Odin, Huitzilopoctli and Ra, and the other gods of myth decided to abandon the real world. They created another universe, where magic rules, where all the mystery and terror of these capricious immortals holds sway. It is a place where Vikings still sail in the name of Thor, where the Aztecs still make human sacrifices to Huitzilopoctli, and where Merlin still weaves his subtle webs.
For a thousand years and more, Everworld has existed apart from the real world. But now Everworld is in trouble. The cozy universe created by Earth's ancient immortals has been invaded by the creatures of myths that are no part of human tradition. The gods are under attack, divided and terrified. And in this moment of supreme danger, Loki, Norse god of evil, reaches across the barrier between Everworld and the real world to seize a new power: Senna Wales.

Senna carries with her four ordinary high school kids from the Midwest: David, the insecure hero and Senna's love; Christopher, the joker Senna spurned, who hides his own anger and bigotry beneath a glib veneer; Jalil, cold, calculating, and so devoted to rationality he can't even acknowledge his own strange tie to Senna; and April, Senna's half sister — actress, flirt, and Senna's most dangerous enemy.

*My Opinion*
Great start to what looks to be a great series. I could not put it down once I started it. In this first book of the series, we are introduced to the main characters as they are drawn into this strange new world by following Senna, a mysterious friend/sister/acquaintance, that one one really knows. As the teens are trying to figure out what is going on they are also trying to deal with a world nothing like theirs. A world full of dangerous Gods, Vikings, and danger.

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