Sunday, April 20, 2014

Drayton, the Taker (Drayton, the Taker #1) by Tony Bertauski

Drayton, the TakerDrayton, the Taker by Tony Bertauski

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Drayton once believed he was a vampire. He doesn't know what he is. Or why he lives. He takes not his victim's blood but the silky essence of their soul during their last breath. Often mistaken for the Angel of Death, his victims sometimes ask for forgiveness. Sometimes he delivers. After all, he is not without sin.


I very much enjoy this author's work. His writing is captivating right from the beginning and he writes with such depth that even a short novella like Drayton draws you in and keeps you reading.

I picked this first novella of the Drayton Chronicles up free at Amazon, and I immediately purchased the entire set as soon as I finished reading this.

Drayton is such an interesting character and I am very curious to read more about him, especially his origins. To read about a creature like Drayton who seems to have turned his need to consume human life into something positive makes for a very interesting read. Looking forward to reading more......

View all my reviews

**Kindle Edition

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